Decisions. We're surrounded by them each and every day. What should I have for breakfast? Should I wear my black shoes or my red ones? Which movie should we see? What kind of shampoo should I buy?
Most of us seem to navigate these daily choices without much thought. We're confident in our ability to make these decisions that really won't have much impact on our life experience, at least not in a monumental way. It's when life throws us some big choices that we run into a little trouble. Is it time to change careers? Should we sell the house? Which job offer should I accept? Do I love him enough to marry him? Is it time to retire? Should I ask for a divorce? Any of these sound familiar? A wonderful woman came to see me a short while back with a laundry list of questions. Her marriage had fallen apart, her job was being eliminated, and she had never felt so alone. She had so many decisions to make regarding her spouse, job offers, and where she should live. She was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. When I connected to her higher guidance the answer came very swiftly and simply. Just three little words. Stop. Look. Listen. Stop. When you feel frustrated and overwhelmed by a decision in front of you, find a quiet place to sit calmly and focus on your breathing. It's important to give the logical part of your brain a break. A good decision can never come from a place of anxiety or panic. Put on soothing music or nature sounds and allow your mind to gently drift anywhere it would like to go. Look. It's important to look within for Divine guidance. Put your focus on your Heart and Solar Plexus. Your Solar Plexus is your true center where you hold your power and find your strength. Your heart is where you allow love to be the answer. The two work in harmony. You may focus on these areas in your mind's eye or may wish to place one hand on each. You will be amazed at how calm this will make you feel. Listen. In your mind, ask the question that is causing you so much distress. Imagine sending it out to the Universe knowing that the answer is on its way. Your Soul will never let you down. The solution may come as a quiet whisper, or maybe even a feeling. An image may appear in your mind's eye, or you may suddenly just "know" what direction will move you forward on your journey. Allow yourself to release the worry and let God, the Universe, your Soul, or whatever name you give your higher power, shoulder the worry and work on the solution. These three little words can turn the chaos in your mind into a blank canvas where you can paint your future with a steady hand. Just remember that there is no wrong answer to even your most pressing decisions. You are here on this planet to experience all life has to offer. Each choice you make just changes the experience. Know that you are loved and protected...always.
November 2019