![]() Life really is like a roller coaster ride, isn’t it? The twists and turns. The ups and downs. It can be quite an adrenaline rush. We may squeal with excitement or look for the nearest trash can to vomit in. (That would be me. I do NOT do roller coasters or boat rides in really rough waters. Sorry if that’s really more than you wanted to know.) There are lots of metaphors I could use, but it would all boil down to the same thing. Life is exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating, surprising, nauseating, and a zillion other adjectives, some probably not appropriate for the blogging world. And sometimes we just want to yell, “Let me off this ride!” I’ve spent my share of days looking for the nearest trash can. Nothing has gone right, plans have fallen through, technology has crashed and blew up into one big scheduling disaster….well, you get the picture. I’ve also had my share of amazing days like when I watched my youngest graduate from high school, attended the beautiful wedding of two lovely Souls, and when I got to spend an afternoon just sitting on my deck reading. Ah, life can be so good. The last few weeks in my own life have reminded me how important it is to keep on, keeping on. (Isn’t that a song once done by the Brady Brunch?) Sometimes, we just don’t want to put on our big girl pants and keep dealing with the reality in front of us! It’s easy to get buried in the monthly bills, the crazy schedules and the less-than-happy relationships, but in the end try and remember that you signed up for this experience. That includes the good, the bad, and the just plain ugly! There’s a blessing in everything and undoubtedly, an important lesson to boot. Every morning I set my intentions for the day with a prayer and always, always, always start off by thanking the Creator for another day on this planet. It’s yet another day to love, laugh, and be of service to others. I get to feel the warm sunshine on my face. I’m given the opportunity to tell the important people in my life how much I appreciate them. I can spread kindness, with even just a smile or a “hello”. I might even put my bare feet in the grass to feel appreciation and love for the planet. Did you ever stop to think how much possibility lies in each and every day? So, tomorrow morning before you put on your big girl pants, stop and thank the Universe for yet another day on this beautiful planet. Carpe Diem!
November 2019