It's been a little rough lately, hasn't it?
Yep, humanity has faced some harsh obstacles in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, political unrest, and even security breaches of personal information. Yikes! For those sensitive to energy, you've undoubtedly been on quite the roller coaster ride over the last few months. Throw in an eclipse and a few planets going retrograde and you've got a recipe for a whole lotta crazy! Whether you watch the news on television or check the news feed on your phone, you are being bombarded with the sounds and images of fear and frustration. It's pretty easy to get caught up in the conversations with friends and family about North Korea, white nationalists, and climate change. Even water cooler chat has shifted from funny YouTube videos recently watched to late night hosts' monologues about the so-called chaos in our country. While I know it's sometimes nice to climb in and get really cozy with the low vibes you're picking up, it really doesn't serve you or the collective consciousness. When you begin to feel the craziness around you or maybe negative emotion begins to fill your being, please stop and do two very simple things. Remember and Recenter. Your perspective changes when you stop and remember that every single person on this planet is a spirit having a human experience. Every. Single. Person. No exceptions. We've all got that lovely divine spark within us, remember? Each person is an expression of his or her Soul, here to experience all that this Earthly playground has to offer, which actually includes hurricanes, earthquakes, and a crazy government. Really! I'm serious. We must remember that plans were made well before each of us came into our current personalities and that there is nothing to fear. Ever. We know that each of us will return home when this current play has run its course, then return again as a new character in a different play if we so choose. We are invincible! Next, take a moment to re-center. It doesn't matter where you are. You could be in your car, the grocery store, or even the shower. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then repeat after me... I am unlimited and eternal. I am safe and protected. I am loved beyond measure. Ah...doesn't that feel better.
November 2019