There are no words that can ease the pain and sorrow of losing someone you love, but to lose a mate, partner, or spouse comes with its own set of challenges and heartbreak.
As I write this, my mother-in-law has just a few more days to be here in physical form. After 52 years of marriage, the hole she will soon leave in my father-in-law’s life is unbearable to him right now. I’ve seen his tears roll, his anger at the cancer taking her life, and his total denial that she will soon be departing. My heart breaks for him. I have had so many women visit me in the last few months who have lost a life mate. They come with tears in their eyes, a pit in their stomachs, and an uncertainty about how they will ever continue this earthly existence with such excruciating sorrow in their hearts. After hundreds of readings with the dearly departed, I absolutely know that these treasured relationships never die. They merely change form. I like to think of it as learning a new language. You may not be able to touch his hand or feel her embrace, but you will find that your mate has many new ways to communicate with you. I could write a very lengthy post about all the different signs given by a spouse or mate after death, but decided to instead share a lovely piece that was sent to me by a client who just recently lost her husband. I can’t take credit for the words, and I’m afraid I don’t have a source to give proper credit to, but I really felt compelled to share it with you all today. I would bet many of you have someone in your life who could really use these words to continue to move forward through their grief. You may even be that direct message from heaven that they’ve been hoping to receive from their mate. What a beautiful gift. A Letter From Heaven Hi. It’s me. I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I’m okay. The strangest part about my passing is I don’t feel gone from you. I do hear you talk to me, and most of the time I’m just trying to get you to feel my presence. I also smile when you keep asking me for signs. I promise they will come when you least expect it. I really do try. Please stop saying you can’t feel me. When I see you laugh, it vibrates through my being and I smile too. Feelings like guilt, anger, regret, and immense sadness sometimes builds a barrier between us. Everyone grieves differently, however my hope is that the signs I send help take the edge off, even for a quick moment. I would love for you to try harder to let go of those heavy layers that put the weight of the world on your shoulders. I might actually be able to come to you more easily. Finding the balance between “feeling it to heal it” and being stuck in it is a fine line. I honor how you grieve. No, you couldn’t have saved me. No, you shouldn’t have done more. Yes, you made the right decision. I realize now that this early experience is all about finding our way back to love. All the rest is just part of the tough journey we call, “Life”. Thank you for letting me be your teacher. Until we meet again, promise me that you will love with all your heart, forgive in ways you thought not possible, release anger that no longer serves you, and slide into home plate saying, “I did it! I lived for you. I honor your memory by finding joy again.” Love always, Me I'd love to have you share your thoughts. Feel free to comment below!
November 2019