I believe that every single one of us has the ability to communicate with the other side, our guides, angels, etc.
We are all wired to connect with those realms so we don't feel so alone as spirits having a human experience. With that being said, I have people ask me all the time what they can do to reopen or even begin to develop those connections. My answer is always the same. It starts with intention. Intention is announcing to the spirit world, your guides, and your deceased family members that you're ready to embrace the ability and would like assistance in doing so. I'm actually pretty sure the other side throws a little party every time someone announces they wish to strengthen their channel. It's a celebration for sure! The second thing I recommend is a commitment to the practice of sitting in meditation daily. This practice is not even just about quieting the mind, it's about setting the intention to set aside 10-15 minutes each day to allow the spirit world to work with your energy. British mediums refer to this time as "sitting in the power". Meditation is an invitation to the spirit world to help you open up your psychic faculties again and move the energy through you. I always suggest starting slowing with maybe 3-5 minutes of quiet focus on breath. I suggest not working with a guided meditation, or having music with lyrics in your ears. I recommend just listening to the quiet hum of your furnace fan, or maybe a gentle rain from a phone app. This time is not meant for you to ask questions or expect images, etc. It should be a time when you surrender your spirit back home to "remember" who you really are. Another great exercise to do right after meditation is to invite any loving spirits who'd like to work with you, to come forward. Have a notebook ready and begin asking questions. Are you a male or female? Can you show me what you look like? What did you like to do? When was your birthday? What was your name? How did you pass? Who are you there with? The key to this exercise is to write everything down. Don't question it, just write. At this point it doesn't matter if you're 100% accurate, but doing this will help you begin to trust what you're getting. There are so many wonderful spirits who need to practice working with a medium as much as you need practice working with a spirit, so you'll have lots of deceased people who are willing volunteers! I also highly recommend watching You Tube videos of some of your favorite mediums for inspiration. I've been all over the country and even the United Kingdome to study this work. I've taken classes with Lisa Williams, John Holland, Rebecca Rosen, James VanPrague, Mavis Pitilla, Doreen Virtue, and Tony Stockwell. Many of them have videos online where they talk about mediumship and some even have instructional videos and meditations. So, if you'd like to begin to develop a stronger line of communication with spirit, start with the four tools I've referenced above and dive in! Once you've set your intention to open the channel, began to meditate to quiet your mind, learned to trust the information you're being given, and immersed yourself in the work of other great mediums, you will be well on your way! Most importantly, just enjoy the unfolding at whatever pace it comes, and don't give up! The unfolding of my psychic and mediumstic abilities has been the most exciting adventure, and one I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Please fee free to comment below with any thoughts or questions! I'd love to hear from you. Side Note: If you are interested in learning more about unfolding your abilities as a medium, I am offering an all-day class on Sunday, December 2nd, from 9-5. You can find out more information on the "Classes & Events" page!
November 2019