![]() I get all kinds of questions. Some are funny like, "Does my deceased grandmother see me in the shower?" Others can be quite sweet such as, "Does my deceased husband know that I wear his pajamas to bed every night?" Sometimes I get a question that is really deep, like black hole deep. I adore these questions as they give me an opportunity to share some of the knowledge I've gained during my travels around the country learning about all things metaphysical. A question came this week from a wonderful woman who is incredibly intuitive herself. I won't include her entire question, but I'm hoping it's okay if I give the gist of her inquiry. I have a feeling this is a question that many of you have, so I think it's perfect to share this will all of you! "So I have a really mind bending question for you! Ok, so someday I'm old and gray. I pass away and go to Heaven. Years from then my kids also pass away and meet me in Heaven. From what I've read they will recognize me and we hang out and have a great time. However, if we all have past lives I would only assume that we will have future lives. So say I go back to earth, but this time I am born an African American boy in Kenya. Now.....when I pass away in that lifetime and go back to Heaven, will I see my boys again or will I reunite with my new Kenyan family? I was always under the assumption that when you die, you meet up with all your family and hang out for all eternity. But is that time limited until we reincarnate and take on a new life? Does the appearance of my soul change with each lifetime where my husband and kids will no longer recognize me? Does this make sense? Isn't that a GREAT question? The following was my response: "That is a really great question. I will share with you what I've come to believe after hearing so many different perspectives from both the living and the dead. I believe that we are multidimensional beings. At our very core, we are a beautiful source of energy...an offspring of the Creator, Universe, God, or whatever name you'd like to give that energy. Quantum theorists believe that everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen is happening at the exact same time. This means that there is a good chance we are experiencing many different lives simultaneously. Weird, huh? There is also the theory that there are many dimensions of our planet and that we may actually have an identical twin, or possibly another version of our current self, operating on these other dimensions at this very moment! How cool, or freaky, is that? The most important thing to remember is that we choose the reality, or lifetime, we wish to plug into. So, imagine that we have the choice of 20 different realities, or lifetimes. It would be like 20 different shows recorded on a DVR and we get to choose which one we watch at any given moment. Another way to look at it is that our higher self can choose where it wishes to express itself at any given moment. We put our awareness into this reality during the day, but maybe when we astral travel we pop into a different lifetime. So yes, you could be experiencing another lifetime as a man in Kenya, and any other Souls connected to that lifetime and dimension will continue to be a part of that experience even after death. In fact, you could also be a lovely woman in China at the same time and have an entire family who will continue to connect with you after your death as that Chinese woman. I believe that our relatives from EVERY lifetime will not cease being a part of lives even after we reincarnate. I think as humans on this planet, we are very limited in what we can comprehend. I have a feeling its much, much bigger than we could ever imagine! Doesn't that just blow your mind?!
Lori Carlson
9/24/2014 07:57:12 am
Wow... that most definitely is mind-blowing, but why not?!! I've always heard that if you can think it can be!!
Jennifer Langner
9/24/2014 09:32:00 am
I was just thinking about this a few days ago! I thought that maybe each lifetime is characterized by the features of that particular lifetime...so people in this lifetime would see my spirit as a tall blonde with hazel eyes, but would appear differently to others from past lifetimes (the way they remember me) It's all so very interesting to me!
Jamie K
9/25/2014 12:55:51 am
I was thinking about this a bit this weekend too. What if Mom reincarnates before I get there? What if my brother does? Then I began thinking about higher selves, soul families/contracts, and other dimensions too. I'll see 'em when I see 'em.
Steven Joseph
9/25/2014 01:03:29 am
Good question and a great answer! That should be enough food for thought to make anyone hungry for more answers.
1/22/2018 10:09:34 pm
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